Thursday, November 17, 2011

12 Blog Exercise: Movement/Motion

The image above is an example of an illustration depicting motion through the activity known as "Parkour." The illustrator presents the idea of movement through the characters and their type of clothing. For example, each character is wearing really baggy clothing, therefore the author is able to manipulate the folds and wrinkles in the clothing in order to introduce the idea of movement. Also, the author has included five different characters, each at a different level of the picture plane, representing the idea that they took turns jumping off the building. Furthermore, the variation in size also helps to introduce this idea of movement through the picture plane. Finally, the idea of motion can also be seen through the fisheye distortion of the background. This technique utilizes the idea of motion after affect, the fisheye background helps illustrate this idea that they were all running fast along the roof, and as they met the ledge, the slight pause before the jump causes the eyes to catch up, creating this distortion. Ultimately I feel that the techniques that are used to represent motion, help to create a very dynamic and captivating illustration that symbolizes what the feeling of "parkour" is like. 

In the image above, the designer expresses the idea of movement through the wrinkles of the clothes from the various dynamic gestures that are introduced. Through the idea of apperent movement the center image acts as a spring board to all the other gestures portrayed as if the image itself were dancing. In addition, This image utilizes the idea of optical flow, where the center image is the largest and most detailed, which represents our focus and since the various gesture around the focal point radiate from the center it feels like we are being sucked in allowing for the different gestures to "pop-out." Furthermore the clothing on the image creates a huge role in the depiction of movement. The wrinkles in the clothes and the different stretches and creases help to illustrate the dynamic gestures of the image. In addition the fact that the images are just placed in open space, with no relation to a ground introduces the idea of floating, hovering, and even falling. Ultimately I feel that like the first image, this image also makes use of motion techniques and ques in order to create a dynamic and unique graphical design.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

11 Blog Exercise: Dimension/Depth/Space/Scale

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The above logo is a design for an eco friendly neighborhood. At first glance and from a distance the image is visualized as a somewhat abstract plant form and leaves. However if ou focus on the leaves a little more you will notice that the shape of the leaves are in the shapes of simple, abstract, house symbols. In addition to create the idea of a neighborhood, the design emphasizes the use of perspective and relative size to its design. Perspective is expressed in "one-point" perspective, where the houses converge into one point along the horizon line giving the illusion that you are looking down a neighborhood street. Furthermore, relative size is expressed in the shadows of the houses and the gradual decrease in size as the houses move farther back into the horizon. By emphasizing certain visual aspects and techniques, designers are able to produce logos that are clever, interesting, and unique, without the use of typographical elements...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

10 Blog Exercise: Tone and Color

I had used this image in the previous blog exercise however, it is the perfect example for this blog exercise as well. In the image above of a Russian Landscaping company they used the silhouette of a bull and filled it with different colors, and tones of colors that help the image appear three dimensional and "pop" out. For example if you look at the hind leg of the bul you will be able to notice that the colors are of a darker shade representing that the hind back leg is in the background. The different colors, tones, and shades of the bull help to create an abstract dimensionality to the logo. In addition, the vibrant colors help to attract the eyes of the viewers because the colors are vivid and emphasize the bull's three dimensional form and structure.